أسماء الحيوانات بالإنجليزي مع الصور للأطفال.. Animal names

أحمد عيسى

إن الحيوانات تشكل جزءًا مميزًا من عالمنا وتأتي بأشكال وألوان متعددة، في هذه المقالة، سنستكشف أسماء الحيوانات بالإنجليزي مع الصور للأطفال، سنأخذكم في جولة سريعة لاكتشاف هذا العالم الرائع من الكائنات الحية اللطيفة والمثيرة.

أسماء الحيوانات بالإنجليزي مع الصور للأطفال

الحيوانات هي مخلوقات رائعة في عالمنا. لكل حيوان اسم خاص به، وكل حيوان يكون مميزًا بطريقته الخاصة. الحيوانات تتنوع بألوانها وأشكالها، وبعضها يعيش في الجبال، بينما يعيش آخرون في الماء. يمكن للأطفال استكشاف الكثير من الحيوانات المذهلة في كتبهم وفي الحديقة أو حتى في حديقة الحيوانات، لذا سنساعدهم على استكشاف الحيوانات ورؤية شكل كل حيوان مع تنمية ثقافة اللغة الإنجليزية لهم عبر الفقرات التالية:

الكلب (Dog)

A dog is like a furry, wiggly friend! They have a soft and fluffy coat, and they can come in all sorts of colors, like brown, black, white, and even spotted. Dogs have a cute, wet nose that they use to smell everything around them.

They have four paws that they use to walk and run, and some dogs have really long ears that flop when they move. Dogs also have a tail that wags when they’re happy, and they use it to show us how they’re feeling.

Dogs like to bark to say hello and to tell us when they’re excited or when they want to play. They love to play fetch with a ball or a toy. They’re very loyal, which means they’re always there for you and want to be your best friend.

You can pet them, and they love it when you do! Dogs are wonderful and make great companions.

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القطة (Cat)

القطة (Cat)

Cats are adorable and furry animals. They are usually small and have soft, fluffy fur. Cats come in many colors like white, black, gray, and orange. They have really sharp claws that they use to scratch things and climb.

One of the most special things about cats is their whiskers. These are the tiny hairs on their face, and they help them figure out if they can fit through small spaces. Cats also have a long tail that they can move around to show their feelings. When they’re happy, they might purr, which is like a soft, comforting sound.

Cats are known for their independence, which means they like to do things on their own sometimes, but they also love to be petted and cuddled by their human friends. They’re playful and like to chase toys or even their own tail. Cats make wonderful companions and are great at keeping us company!

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الفيل (Elephant)

الفيل (Elephant)

An elephant is a really big and amazing animal. They have a long trunk that they use to pick up things, like food and water. Elephants have big, floppy ears that help them cool down on hot days.

They have four strong legs that they use to walk and run, even though they’re so heavy! Elephants are usually gray, and they have long, curved tusks. These tusks are like big teeth, and they can be used for lots of things.

Elephants live in places with warm weather, like Africa and Asia. They eat plants and leaves and are very social animals, which means they like to be with their elephant friends and family. They can make really loud trumpeting sounds, and they are known for being gentle giants. Elephants are some of the most incredible creatures on our planet!

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الأسد (Lion)

الأسد (Lion)

Lions are amazing animals, and they’re often called the “king of the jungle.” They’re big and have a beautiful golden coat with some spots. Lions have a fluffy mane, and you can usually tell if a lion is a boy or a girl by looking at their mane. The boys have big, bushy manes!

Lions have strong, powerful legs and sharp claws, which they use to catch their food. They have a big mouth with sharp teeth, which helps them eat meat. They make a sound called a “roar,” and it’s really loud, like a big growl.

Lions live in groups called prides, and they like to hang out with their lion family. They’re known for being really good hunters, and they often work together when hunting for food. Lions are wild, but they are also very special and interesting creatures!

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الزرافة (Giraffe)

الزرافة (Giraffe)

Giraffes are really tall and amazing animals. They have a long neck that helps them reach the leaves on tall trees. They’re like the tallest animals in the world! Their fur is usually a patchy pattern of brown spots, and each giraffe has a unique pattern, just like a fingerprint.

Giraffes have long legs, which help them run very fast when they need to. They also have two little nubby horns on their heads, which are called ossicones. These make them look even more special.

They’re known for their big, beautiful eyes and long eyelashes. Giraffes love to eat leaves from trees and bushes, and they use their long tongues to grab the leaves. They’re gentle and friendly animals, and they live in groups. Giraffes are super unique and really cool!

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القرد (Monkey)

القرد (Monkey)

Monkeys are fun and playful animals. They’re usually small and have furry, soft coats. Monkeys come in different colors, like brown, black, and even red. They have a cute face with big eyes and a little nose.

Monkeys have long tails that they use to swing from tree to tree, just like in the jungle! They have hands and feet that are kind of like ours, so they can grab things, like bananas or leaves. Monkeys are really good at climbing and jumping.

Some monkeys make funny sounds, like chattering or hooting. They like to hang out with their monkey friends and family in groups. Monkeys love to play and swing around in the trees. They’re very curious and love exploring their jungle homes. Monkeys are full of energy and bring lots of smiles to our faces!

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النمر (Tiger)

النمر (Tiger)

Tigers are amazing and beautiful animals. They have bright orange fur with black stripes all over their body. These stripes make them look really cool! They also have white fur on their belly.

Tigers have big, strong paws with sharp claws that they use for hunting and climbing. They’re known for their fierce roar, which can be really loud and scary. Tigers are great hunters and can sneak up quietly on their prey.

They live in forests and jungles and are very good at hiding and pouncing on their food. Tigers love to swim and are good at it, too. They’re solitary animals, which means they like to be alone and have their own space. Tigers are special and fascinating creatures that you can often find in the wild.

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عصافير (Birds)

عصافير (Birds)

Birds are lovely creatures with feathers, and they come in many different colors and sizes. They have two wings, and they use them to fly high in the sky. Birds have beaks to eat their food, and their beaks come in all sorts of shapes, depending on what they like to eat.

Birds can make sweet sounds, like singing, and each bird has its own unique song. They build nests in trees to lay their eggs and take care of their baby birds. Birds are great at finding worms, seeds, and insects to eat.

Some birds, like parrots, are really colorful and can even talk like us! Others, like eagles, have strong eyesight and can see far away. Birds are fascinating and can be found all around us, whether in the park or even in our backyard. They’re a part of nature’s beauty!

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السمك (Fish)

السمك (Fish)

Fish are amazing creatures that live in the water. They have scales all over their bodies, which can be really shiny and colorful. Fish come in different shapes and sizes, and some are really small, while others can be quite big.

Fish don’t have legs like us; instead, they have fins that help them swim. They use their fins to glide through the water and steer in different directions. Fish have gills, which are like their breathing parts, and that’s how they breathe underwater.

Some fish are very colorful, like the rainbow fish, while others like to hide with their camouflaged colors. They live in all sorts of watery places, like oceans, rivers, and even tiny ponds. Fish are fantastic swimmers and come in all kinds of types and colors, making them a wonderful part of our underwater world!

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الأرنب (Rabbit)

الأرنب (Rabbit)

Rabbits are cute and fluffy animals. They have soft fur that can be white, brown, gray, or even a mix of colors. They have big, floppy ears that help them hear well.

Rabbits have a little twitchy nose that wiggles all the time, and it’s really adorable. They have strong hind legs, which they use to hop and jump around. Rabbits have a cute, fluffy tail, too.

Rabbits love to eat veggies like carrots and lettuce. They’re gentle and like to be cuddled and petted. They live in burrows or holes they dig in the ground and are very good at hiding when they’re scared.

Rabbits are known for their quickness, and they’re really good at running away from danger. They’re friendly and make wonderful pets!

بعد ذكر أسماء الحيوانات بالإنجليزي مع الصور للأطفال، نأمل أنكم استمتعتم برحلتكم في عالم هذه الكائنات الرائعة. إن معرفة أسماء الحيوانات تساعدنا على فهم واحترام الطبيعة وتعزيز حبنا للكائنات الحية من حولنا. ساعدوا الأطفال في تعلم هذه الأسماء وشجعوهم على حب واحترام الحيوانات في جميع أنحاء العالم.

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